The Legend of ABM by Angry Blackmen, released on January 26, 2024, through Deathbomb Arc, is an audacious and visceral plunge into the psyche of Black masculinity, capitalism, and the dystopian shadows of contemporary America. Quentin Branch and Brian Warren, the duo behind Angry Blackmen, have crafted an album that is both a sonic assault and an introspective journey, making it one of the most compelling entries in the industrial hip-hop genre for the year.
The Cut-Up Technique
Imagine a poem created by randomly rearranging lines from a newspaper article. This is the essence of the cut-up technique, a method that has challenged conventional writing for decades. Originating with the Dadaists in the 1920s, who sought to reject logic and reason in the wake of World War I, the technique embodies their embrace of chance and absurdity. William S. Burroughs, along with artist Brion Gysin, further developed the technique, believing it could reveal hidden connections and premonitions within language. They would cut up texts, rearrange the fragments, and then read the resulting new text, looking for unexpected meanings.
Ordering from Merchbar? Tread Lightly.
Merchbar is an online shop that sells music and merchandise.
Merchbar is also an online shop that is in the practice of selling vinyl that they claim is in stock but isn’t.
Without any warning, you will wait months to receive your order, if you receive it at all.
Check this Reddit post.
Their customer service is a complete joke. No number listed, and don’t expect a response if you fill out the request form.
I highly recommend you tread lightly when contemplating ordering from Merchbar.
Tell me about your experience with Merchbar.
Email –
+ No AI in Music. Out a fake band here.The Most Unwanted Song
“The Most Unwanted Song” was recorded in 1997 in response to a survey taken by the Dia Foundation where the 500 respondents listed their favorite and least favorite aspects of music. The Dia Foundation recruited Komar and Melamid, who are the visual designers People’s Choice painting series, to make an album with two songs based on these opinion polls.
Together with neuroscientists David Sulzer(a.k.a David Soldier) to produce and record “The Most Wanted Song” and “The Most Unwanted Song.”
“The Most Unwanted Song” is a combination of an opera singer rapping about cowboys, bagpipes, a children’s choir urging customers to shop at Wal-Mart, and a leftist protestor shouting on a bullhorn.
Check out Needlejuice Records for vinyl, CDs and cassettes.
+ No AI in Music. Out a fake band here.Hear an AI Chatbot, Masquerading as a Clueless Grandmother, Waste the Time of an Internet Scam Artist
And now for a good use of AI, which is something I never thought I’d say.
The UK-based telecom company O2 has developed a chatbot (“named Daisy”) that performs a noble task. Impersonating an elderly grandmother, the chatbot engages with internet fraudsters and then systematically frustrates them and wastes their time. As part of a demo, notes The Guardian, Daisy wasted a series of fraudsters’ time for up to 40 minutes each– “when they could otherwise have been scamming real people.” The AI system was trained on real scam calls–according to Virgin Media O2’s marketing director, Simon Valcarcel–so it “knows exactly the tactics to look out for, exactly the type of information to give to keep the scammers online and waste time.” If you have three minutes to spare, you can listen to Daisy clown a scam artist below.
(From Open Culture)
+ No AI in Music. Out a fake band here.