“The Most Unwanted Song” was recorded in 1997 in response to a survey taken by the Dia Foundation where the 500 respondents listed their favorite and least favorite aspects of music. The Dia Foundation recruited Komar and Melamid, who are the visual designers People’s Choice painting series, to make an album with two songs based on these opinion polls.
Together with neuroscientists David Sulzer(a.k.a David Soldier) to produce and record “The Most Wanted Song” and “The Most Unwanted Song.”
“The Most Unwanted Song” is a combination of an opera singer rapping about cowboys, bagpipes, a children’s choir urging customers to shop at Wal-Mart, and a leftist protestor shouting on a bullhorn.
Check out Needlejuice Records for vinyl, CDs and cassettes.
+ No AI in Music. Out a fake band here.